Santos and Sophia deliver extensive application potential across multiple fields by offering high-fidelity
simulations that closely mirror human biomechanics and ergonomics. With detailed analyses of ergonomic
factors and human performance, Santos helps optimize workspaces, tools, and equipment to reduce strain,
fatigue, and injury risks. Santos Basic provides flexibility to accommodate various human sizes and body
types enables, testing for inclusivity, ensuring that designs meet a wide range of user needs. Sophisticated
posture prediction and movement simulation allow for precise assessments of posture, joint stress, and range
of motion, all crucial for creating safe and comfortable environments. Additionally, Santos Basic provides
robust risk assessment tools, such as NIOSH lifting equations, spine shear and compression, and Liberty
Mutual report generator. Supporting a human-centered design process, Santos Basic accurately simulates
real-world human interactions with environments, products, and systems, making it invaluable for refining
concepts to suit user needs effectively. Importing objects into Santos Basic is easy such that human digital twin
can interact with the environment, activate a vision function, and avoid collisions. These capabilities make
Santos and Sophia essential tools across safety-focused industries, including military, manufacturing,
healthcare, and product design, where the demands for efficiency, comfort, and human-centered design are